Few months ago, Tollywood actor Ram Charan Tej has indulged in a public brawl with two techies near Banjara Hills. He has summoned his father Chiranjeevi’s two body guards, who beat the techies on the road. However, the police have not filed any case against the actor due to known reasons. The techies also not filed any case against him as they believed that they can’t get justice because of the powerful back ground of the actor. However, the public has condemned there was wide coverage of the incident in media and photos of the incident also published. But, Ram Charan Tej has argued that the photos are morphed ones and it is the techies, who were driving the vehicle in drunken position has attacked his father’s body guards, who came to his rescue. However, he said he has excused the techies after they begged him for pardon and not filed any complaint against them keeping in view of their small time jobs. There was public outrage against the actor but it was calmed in the course of time.
However, a lawyer named Mr.Saleem has filed a petition in HRC against Ram Charan Tej on the very next day of the incident. After hearing his arguments, today the HRC has ordered the Banjara Hills police to file case against the actor, his father Chiranjeevi’s secretary and the two body guards who attacked the techies under sections 120(B), 325 and 306.
Although it is quite natural to lose tempers on such situation, Ram Charan would have simply averted all this mess just by saying apology to the techies for his misbehavior, with which he would have won appreciations from all over. But, his ego problem doesn’t let him do it. Hence, he has chosen a wrong path, with which he is now going to be dragged to court.
This would be fresh trouble for Ram Charan Tej, who is already facing problems in releasing his three big films ‘Yevadu’, ‘Thoofan’ and ‘Zanjeer’ due to his father Chiranjeevi’s refusal to step down from his Union Minister post in support of Samaikyandhra.
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